Life in the Girl Lane

A thirtysomething's perspective on life, love, and everything in between.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


In the world of dating and random encounters of the dating kind, there a lot of cases in which you get screwed. Figuratively. When it seems as if there is no justice. He doesn’t call back. He conveniently forgets to tell you about his child. He is unfaithful. He marries someone else. But once in a while there is a glimmer of hope and you realize that there is, indeed, justice in this world.

Life is funny that way. You think you’ll never find another. Things started off so well and with so much potential before suddenly going sour. So you move on. And then one day….

Redemption. It’s at its best when it’s unexpected. Maybe it was that random evening he saw you and someone new walking hand in hand down the street and you knew he wanted to just kick himself for screwing up with a gorgeous girl like you.
Maybe it was the time that another guy kissed you in the back of another cab and made the first time a distant memory. Maybe it was meeting that other guy who could finance your expensive taste. Maybe it was the issues you found out he was experiencing in his nether regions. Or some other perfectly just act of redemption.

Whatever the case, this type of justice is as rare as the boy actually calling back when he says he will, so bask in the glory of it while it lasts. Let it compensate for all the other hurts and pains and injustices you have experienced and move on. It can only get better from here!


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