Life in the Girl Lane

A thirtysomething's perspective on life, love, and everything in between.

Friday, April 08, 2005

How Do I Love Me?

How do I love me? Let me count my shopping bags!

I am a woman of my word. Anyone that knows me well knows that if I say I’m going to do something, consider it done. Lots of people, including me, talk about being your own valentine. Doing things for your own enjoyment rather than waiting around for someone else to do them for you.

I decided to do just that. I decided to take myself shopping for Valentine’s Day. A day alone trekking around the city buying to my heart’s content. Just because I deserve it. Finding comfort and enjoyment in my own company. It was a wonderful feeling to finance these new additions to my wardrobe. While it is always a treat for someone to buy things for you, it’s also empowering to have the means to do it yourself. To know that you have something to offer and bring to the table that is worthy of being matched.

So even though Valentine’s Day is long gone, every day is a chance to love ourselves and do things that make us happy independent of anyone else. Some people may chalk this all up to cliché, but I choose to make it a reality.


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