Life in the Girl Lane

A thirtysomething's perspective on life, love, and everything in between.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I Knew

I knew. Every situation with every guy that didn’t work out, I always knew. Maybe not right away, but at some point, I got that feeling, and subsequently ignored it. I knew it wasn’t the right fit. Or the right person. Or the right time. Or I knew it was just flat out wrong. I knew. But more importantly, God knew. And in His infinite wisdom, He allowed the road blocks that prevented each situation from materializing or advancing forward. Road blocks necessary because in my stubborn desire to “fix things” or “force things,” I lacked the strength to honestly assess and handle the situation myself. Road blocks designed to protect me from more hurt than He allowed me to feel. Road blocks steering me onto the course I am meant to travel. Road blocks I am growing to need less and less as I learn more about myself, what I want, and what I am willing to tolerate or not tolerate. I knew. And hopefully from now on I’ll know.


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