Life in the Girl Lane

A thirtysomething's perspective on life, love, and everything in between.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's a Wonderful Life

Another year of my life has passed more quickly than I could have imagined and I am approaching yet another birthday. As I take advantage of this opportunity to reflect on the past year, this time, I can honestly say that I am not only older, but wiser as well. I have learned so much about myself and am eager to take that knowledge into whatever this year has in store. While the first half of my year proved to be a challenge, and forced me to reach into the depths of my strength, courage, and faith, it enabled me to appreciate the second half of my year in which I was able to live fully, freely, and fearlessly.

So, what exactly have I learned that allowed for this transformation of sorts?

Well, I have learned the art of embracing that there are things in life I cannot control. To those things, I can control my response and make the best choice for me in the situation.

Make the best of the cards I’m dealt. What else can be done with them? If I wait long enough, my next turn will be up.

It’s okay to be less than perfect. I make mistakes, and so do others. I’ve learned to forgive others, but most of all to forgive myself.

Big girls do cry. Sometimes the beauty of life touches me deeply. Sometimes the reality of life cuts just as deeply.

But not everything is worth my tears. Reserve them for the situations and the people worthy of them. Most of the time, life is really not that serious.

Life is short. Every day should be savored, cherished, enjoyed. One minute I’m seventeen, and in a blink of an eye, I’m twenty seven. And even when I try to drag my feet, the current of life continues to push me along, ready or not. Graduations. Jobs. Marriages. Babies. People come. People go. People stay. People leave. People are taken away too soon. Life waits for no one and all I can do is live mine beautifully.

Life is long. Lucky for me, I can’t do it all in one day, one week, one month, or one year. Life gives me time to explore, experiment, make up my mind, change my mind, and do it all again. And that’s okay. Everything happens for a reason and in its own good time. I relish the time I have to figure it out and to make decisions that I am confident in and can live with.

Life isn’t a race and I’m in no rush. It’s not about the finish line or the destination, but about the milestones and the moments of the journey.

Take risks. The outcomes may not always be what as expected or envisioned. Sometimes they are better.

Not everything has to be planned. Some of the best things in life are unexpected and happen in the spur of the moment.

Some things stay the same. Friendships. Circumstances. Perspectives.

Some things change. Friendships. Circumstances. Perspectives.

But no matter the changes each year brings or how many paths are traveled, it’s good to know there is always a place to call home. A place where family, friends, and love reside.

And through it all, the good, the bad, the constant, the fleeting, the fabulous, the mundane, the successes, the failures, living is a beautiful experience.


At 5:57 PM, Blogger Sujeiry said...



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