So you haven’t climbed the corporate ladder the way you’d envisioned you would have by now. Wouldn’t it to be nice to be where she was? And you haven’t climbed the Great Wall or sunbathed on Santorini like you had planned. Isn’t she lucky? She’s done that and ridden a camel. You haven’t found the relationship you’d always knew you would have found. But she has. What does she have that you don’t? Doesn’t seem like the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence?
Honestly, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. Do not allow yourself to be caught in the trap that things aren’t always as they seem. From the outside, the packaging of her life appears…perfect. However, it can be just a distraction. Looks can be deceiving. When you open the package, you might disappointedly discover that there are pieces missing as well. Or perhaps the shiny, expensive things you envisioned there to be are actually tarnished and not worth more than layers which have been removed.
You want so deeply to believe that she has it all, you have nothing, and that life is not fair because how else could your life events be explained. Your mental powers are strong and your will is weak and you allow your perception to be distorted. Perception is powerful like that. But living in this warped world is futile. So take off those jade colored glasses. Wash away the green mask of envy and examine the wonder of your own world.
To live effectively, sanely, and comfortably in your present, you must look to, but not dwell on your past. The adventures on which you have embarked. The paths in which you have traveled. The goals that you have achieved. The lives you have positively effected. The relationships you have developed. And when that is still not enough, look to, but do not dwell on your future. Anticipate the adventures that are yet to come, while enjoying the adventure you are on now. And remember, even she that has those things in order that you wish for yourself, has things herself that she looks for on the other side of her fence.
So enjoy everything there is to enjoy in this place because before long, it will be time to travel to another. And to only notice the greenness of this place from another would be a travesty. Luxuriate in the pasture on your side of the fence. Absorb everything that it is and everything that it isn’t. Roll around in it. Run your fingers and your toes through it. Frolic in it! Take the time to clearly see the vivid green of growth that is all around you.