It's okay
It’s okay.
It’s okay to be young, single, having fun, and loving every minute of your independence.
It’s okay to be young, single, having fun, and having moments of doubt and confusion. You are human. Don’t dwell.
It’s okay to want strings attached. Even if you only want them tied loosely.
It’s okay to want strings attached. And be a closet commitment phobe - afraid of losing your independence, afraid of possible pain, afraid of it being all you desire it to be.
It’s okay to be ready to give up Mr. Meantime, even if it means being alone.
It’s okay to be ready to settle down and find the one.
No matter what is it you want or where in life you are, be there. Know it. Own it. Embrace it. Be confident in the decisions you make and stick by them despite what anyone else thinks. If it is what you want and where you are, live it fully and completely. Refuse to settle or compromise. Be ready and willing to speak up and vocalize what you want and need. Because it’s okay.