Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving launches the holiday season thus reminding us of values we hold so dear. For me, it is the time of year where I think about how thankful and grateful I am for all of the blessings in my life and the journey that brought me to them. It is also the time of year where I pay tribute to those people in my life that have been by my side on the good days and bad days, through the stressful times and the peaceful times, and for the successes and setbacks. They, of course, are my friends. Each of my friends offers some unique quality that enriches my life, but in this past year, I have particularly noticed the differences in the contributions of the guy friends and the girlfriends. So today, I give thanks for each of those perspectives by reflecting on just a few of the many acts of friendship, kindness, and love that have allowed me, in this year, to grow, learn, and shine! Happy Thanksgiving!
Why I am Thankful for my Guy Friends…
I am very thankful for my guy friends. They relate to me in a way that allows me to be “one of the boys” (when I want to) while still respecting me as a sometimes complicated, sometimes confusing woman. Whether the situation in my life is a matter of the mind or a matter of the heart, they serve as a sounding board for my opinions, feelings, concerns, or questions. I appreciate that they are able to provide me with practical, un-sugar coated advice. They tell me the things I need to hear (although it isn’t always what I want to hear!). When I start to over-think a situation or unnecessarily take it too seriously, they remind me to stop. They encourage me to trust my judgment, to plan for success, and to never settle for less than I deserve. I am so grateful that I have these wonderful individuals that care for me like a sister and always have my best interest in mind.
Why I am Thankful for my Girlfriends…
I am so thankful that I have my girlfriends in my life. They understand my deepest thought, feelings, and emotions, and can commiserate or celebrate accordingly. In the most trying of situations, they remind me of my strength, grace, and character. They ensure me that the plan for my life includes only the best when it seems as if it only includes the worst. Despite all they are juggling in their own lives, they carve out time to lend an ear or word of advice for what’s going on in mine. No amount of time or space can separate the bonds we have formed. Even when they can’t be here, they’re always there. From the “I-was-just-thinking-about-you” text to the “Catch-up-on-all-the-details” phone call and the “You-will-never-guess-what-happened-make-sure-your-coworker-isn’t-reading-over-your-shoulder” emails in between, my girlfriends are there to share the boring, basic, serious, and sassy details of my life. I value my girlfriends because no matter how dumb my actions and choices may be or how many times I have repeated the same mistakes, my girlfriends don’t pass judgment - they give me the best advice they have to give and know I’ll figure it out on my own. They encourage me to advocate for myself and to embrace everything about where I am today. I am so blessed that I have these people who have transcended friendship and are simply a part of my family.